The Role of Skill Acquisition Specialists in Talent Development

The Role of Skill Acquisition Specialists in Talent Development

This a chapter from the book Talent Identification and Development in Sport. It's a very interesting chapter that explores the role of a Skill Acquisition Specialist (SA). 

For my more detailed notes on the chapter click the link below

🚀 Article in 3 Sentences

  1. ‘Skill Acquisition Specialist’ is a relatively new role but the evidence is showing that they have a positive influence on performance
  2. There are a number of different areas that they can have influence in. The areas are ‘Elite Sport, Talent Identification and Talent Development’. They can also influence both coaches and players.
  3. Research being applied correctly will help identify, develop, and maximise sporting talent.


Very interesting chapter that looked at the influence a Skill Acquisition Specialist could have in a number of different areas of coaching/sport. The SA can have an influence in a wide variety of roles. There are only a few SA specialists employed by NSO’S but there research that has been done has shown significant benefits and has helped improve performance outcomes. Some very good practical insights into how SA specialists have influenced programmes and organisations.

🎾How Article will influence my coaching

  • Building relationships and having empathy with coaches are really important factors when trying to influence a programme.
  • Coaches prefer to gain knowledge from informal learning opportunities. The formal education process for coaches doesn’t change practices that the coaches are running
  • The changes being made in a Skill Acquisition intervention need to be periodised and planned. They identify the 3 stages as ‘Competition readiness’, ‘Variability’ and ‘Constraints
  • We need Talent tests that are going to challenge their ability to adapt to changing constraints
  • What are they key attributes of a successful tennis player? Taekwondo was decision making, distance management and technique
  • The ‘mini’ games should be designed around the key ‘affordances’ that are in the adult game. They need to be matched to the action capabilities of the performers.

👨‍🏫Who should read it?

Key Stakeholders and those involved in Talent Development should read this. It will give an insight into what SA specialists can contribute

🥇Top Quotes

💡 A growing body of research evidence in skill acquisition has the potential to shape the ways in which coaches and practitioners identify, develop, and maximise sporting talent.

💡 Professional appointments of SA specialists are generally only seen at the elite level, where their expertise is thought to make the difference in performance that justifies financial investment. However, it could be argued that a greater return on investment could be achieved at the developmental level. 

💡 A solution which would ensure higher levels of fidelity, would be to base junior game design on the key theoretical principle of affordances, which would ensure that young athletes are exposed to practice and performance environments that are as representative of the ‘adult’ environment as possible. 

💡 While acknowledging that more research is required to demonstrate the (measured) impact on athlete and coach development, the importance of SA practitioners embedding within contexts to shape the design of practice has been shown to have a positive impact on performance. 

💡 By working with sporting bodies and key stakeholders, SA specialists can help implement a principled approach to learning and athlete development based on the specific challenges and constraints of their sport. 

Reference for chapter

Pinder, R. A., Maloney, M., Renshaw, I., & Barris, S. (2020). 9 The Role of Skill Acquisition Specialists in Talent Development. Talent Identification and Development in Sport: International Perspectives


  1. Increíblemente útil el que has compartido aquí. Estoy impresionado por los detalles y además es un artículo importante para nosotros. Suplementos Deportivos Perú Continúe impartiendo este tipo de información, gracias.


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